Wednesday 28 April 2010

The science of cycling

Just discovered an interesting site about the science of cycling. The science of cycling
Read for example about what an efficient means of transportation the bicycle is. In fact cycling is more efficient than any other method of travel--including walking! The one billion bicycles in the world are a testament to its effectiveness. The engine for this efficient mode of transport is the human body. Because bodies are fueled by food, diet plays an important role in how the body performs. Different muscle groups and types provide the power. Genetic inheritance, intensive training, and a competitive drive help top athletes push the boundaries of endurance and speed on the bicycle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bas,

    New York is, by surprise, biking in May! See for some really nice Tours. We hope we can participate in one of their tours. We'll let you know!

    See U Zoen, Pieter Bas
