I bike London Didn't know this blog yet. This week with some beautiful ice sculptures of a bicycle and today with an interview with Enrique Penalosa. Vale la pena!
Today, during our walk in the woods we spotted this bike. I realised I did not have a picture of it yet. It is meant to 'carry around' wheelchairs as you can see in the example below. Yet another example of the multifunctionality of the bike.
One more item on cycling in the snow. The dutch news recently came with this short item on special tyres to tackle snow and ice. Some nasty pictures of people falling from their bikes should not discourage you.
A new year and a good moment to start to make some plans for cycling. One of them will be to travel with my wife and daughters. For those who do not know yet I can recommend you the site Cycling with Children. It is mainly in dutch but for those who master it is a very usfeful site with a lot of tips and tricks.