Have a look at this Bamboosero site. Looks like a nice project. Producing bicycles made from bamboo, enabling people in developing countries to earn a decent living. The bikes look quite nice as well and appear to be strong. Don't forget to look at the Gallery as well
Have a look at this film of VW. No, I have not lost my faith. It is just interesting to see how even the car industry is now looking towards bicycles as an interesting means for (complementary) mobility. The design of this foldable bike is also quite 'slick', I think.
A short little documentary about bicycle parking problems in the Netherlands. Only in dutch, but the images are also quite telling for themselves. The clue of the film is that cycling in the Netherlands has become so popular that there actually is a huge shortage of bicycle parking places, especially near railway stations as more and more people combine trains and bicycle when commuting. A good thing ofcourse, but causing some new problems. Part of the problem can be solved by removing the so-called abandoned bikes, sometimes upto 20% of the total in the parking problems. Other part of the solution is to create more parking places underground, this ofcourse implies quite some investments but most of all, political will. We mentioned before that where there is a will, there should be cycle path. Now this should also be a bicycle parking place.
Cycling out or Poverty is supporting small entrepreneurs students and health workers in Africa with bicycles. Have a look at the video below or at Cycling out of Poverty
The organization has now opened a Design Contest until the end of september. To participate or get an idea, have a look at: Wiki Bike
The dutch newsletter Vogelvrije fietser opened a contest for people to sent in pictures of working cycles. Quite a few nice examples were gathered, illustrating that the bicycle really can be used for working purposes in all kinds of settings. Have a look at Working Cycles
Cool project! "As you might know, South Africa is a world within one country, home to various cultures, with a tragic history of segregation and racism. Through this project we hope to give people a glimpse into each other lives through a well known object of movement, practicality and joy - the bicycle".
In August, a new bicycle parking place was opened in Alphen aan de Rijn (Netherlands). Probably nothing too special weren't it for the design of the place. It is called the bicycle apple and has several stores connected through a spiral. It illustrates how design can help to make bicycles and their parking places (even) more attractive. For more information see: Bicycle Apple